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Anne Goudenove

After a Fine Arts baccalaureate and studies of Art History, I leave France to teach drawing in Côte d’Ivoire.

I live in the bush and have plenty of time to paint portraits.

I fall in love with Africa, his atmosphere, his colors …

It's also in the bush, in Guiglo, that I start Karate, a second hobby.

When I come back to France, I go through a breve period of abstract painting, to finally go back to portraits.

1996   Workshop in Ramonville Saint Agne - Anne Goudenove

1999   Computer Graphics Designer 2D for 15 years at IRIS - Institut de Recherche sur les Implications de la Langue des Signes 

2006   Artistic Manager Avatar Creation Sign Language - Websourd

         Presidente of Saint Lys Olympique Karaté

2007   Vice-Presidente of the Midi-Pyrénées Karaté League

         Creation of Art Dojo

2008   Member of the Executive Committee Fédération Française de Karaté and D.A.

Computer Graphics Designer 2D et 3D - Artistic Manager - Communication - Creation

Communications Manager at DSI - Distribution Services Industriels - Blagnac 

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